Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 11th International Conference on Anesthesiology and Critical Care Dubai, UAE.

Day 1 :

Keynote Forum

Jihad Mallat

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, UAE

Keynote: Use of PCO2-Gap to guide resuscituation therapy in septic shock patients

Time : 10:30-11:30

Conference Series Anesthesia Care 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Jihad Mallat photo

Jihad Mallat, MD, is a Staff Physician in the Respiratory & Critical Care Institute at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, specializing in anesthesiology, intensive care, and
critical care medicine. Dr. Mallat received his medical degree from the University of Lille II Faculty of Medicine, in Lille, France. He is a member of several medical
associations, including the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, the Society of Critical Care Medicine, the Intensive Care Society, the French Society of
Intensive Care, and the European Society of Anaesthesiology. He has made a signifi cant contribution to research into critical care medicine, in areas including
circulatory failure and its management, heart-lung interactions, and issues related to ventilation and respiration for critical care patients and has published more
than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals.


The mixed venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide (CO2) tension difference [P (v-a) CO2] is the difference between carbon dioxide
tension (PCO2) in the mixed venous blood (sampled from a pulmonary artery catheter) and the PCO2 in arterial blood. P (va)
CO2 depends on the cardiac output and the global CO2 production, and on the complex relationship between PCO2 and
CO2 content. Experimental and clinical studies support the evidence that P (v-a) CO2 cannot serve as an indicator of tissue
hypoxia, and should be regarded as an indicator of the adequacy of venous blood to wash out the total CO2 generated by the
peripheral tissues. P (v-a) CO2 can be replaced by the central venous-to-arterial CO2 difference (ΔPCO2), which is calculated
from the simultaneous sampling of central venous blood from a central vein catheter and arterial blood and, therefore, more
easy to obtain at the bedside. Determining the ΔPCO2 during the resuscitation of septic shock patients might be useful when
deciding when to continue resuscitation despite a central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) > 70% associated with elevated
blood lactate levels. Because high blood lactate levels is not a discriminatory factor in determining the source of that stress, an
increased ΔPCO2 (> 6 mmHg) could be used to identify patients who still remain inadequately resuscitated. Monitoring the
ΔPCO2 from the beginning of the reanimation of septic shock patients might be a valuable means to evaluate the adequacy of
cardiac output in tissue perfusion and, thus, guiding the therapy. In this respect, it can aid to titrate inotropes to adjust oxygen
delivery to CO2 production, or to choose between hemoglobin correction or fluid/inotrope infusion in patients with a too
low ScvO2 related to metabolic demand. The combination of P (v-a) CO2 or ΔPCO2 with oxygen-derived parameters through
the calculation of the P (v-a) CO2 or ΔPCO2/arteriovenous oxygen content difference ratio can detect the presence of global
anaerobic metabolism.

Break: Networking and Refreshments Break with Group Photo 11:30-12:00@ Foyer

Keynote Forum

Veena Asthana

Swami Rama Himalayan University, India

Keynote: Premedication in pediatric patients: How far have we reached?
Conference Series Anesthesia Care 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Veena Asthana  photo


Anxieties, fear of unknown and new environment are signifi cant determinants of pre-operative agitation in children
undergoing surgery and manifesting as tearfulness, screaming, clinging to parents, apathy, and withdrawal. If not properly
handled, its presence is associated with future maladaptive behavior. The incidence of preoperative distress maybe as high as
60% leading to resisting the anesthesiologist at induction or violent behavior at the time of shift ing and induction of anesthesia.
60% of children who underwent anesthesia manifests negative behavioral changes up-to two weeks postoperatively while
in 20% of cases these may continue for six months. Apart from undesirable eff ects of sympathetic tone and increased level
of catecholamine secondary to stress response, immunological, metabolic and hormonal changes also occur. Studies have
demonstrated the relationship between preoperative anxiety and emergence delirium, increased analgesic requirements, negative
behavioral changes, sleep disturbances and separation anxiety in the post-operative period. Uses of pharmacological or nonpharmacological
modalities are commonly utilized to decrease preoperative anxiety. Nonpharmacological therapies though
effective, have variable results. Sedative premedicants are the mainstay of pharmacological therapy though different agents and
routes of administration have been tried. Nonparental routes like oral/trans mucosal are preferred in children to alleviate the
needle fear and pain. Midazolam has attained a widespread acceptance as preoperative sedative and anxiolytic. Use of drugs
with pharmacological effects other than benzodiazepines have been tried and found to Have favorable kinetics. Use of α 2
agonist clonidine and Dexmedetomidine have been tried and found to have comparable results. Melatonin a natural hormone
produced in the brain has the properties of producing natural sleep and has been used as sedatives in elderly and children Newer
sedative premedicants like melatonin, clonidine, and Dexmedetomidine are efficacious in producing preoperative sedation,
reducing preoperative distressing anxiety, relieving postoperative pain and decreasing the occurrence of emergence delirium in
pediatric patients undergoing surgery. These agents can be used safely as an alternative to midazolam for premedication in children.

Keynote Forum

Badri Prasad Das

Banaras Hindu University, India

Keynote: Use of tolvaptan in neuro critical care unit: How we manage severe traumatic brain injury

Time : 13:00-13:30

Conference Series Anesthesia Care 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Badri Prasad Das  photo

Badri Prasad Das has completed MD in Anesthesia and critical care in 2015 from IMS, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi; has pursued postgraduatefellowship
in Critical Care medicine from Trauma Centre, BHU(Varanasi), Neuro Critical Care from NIMHANS(Bengaluru) and CCM from JIPMER(Puducherry).
At present he is working as Assistant Professor in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, IMS-BHU, Varanasi. He is an instructor for AHA (BLS/ACLS/PALS), FCCS;
programme-coordinator for Comprehensive Emergency Life Support (CELS) course; and an invited faculty in various regional/national workshops & conferences.
He has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals, been serving as a reviewer for various International journals (HPMIJ-Medcrave), has many national/
international awards including education-grant awards from ANZICS.


The recent Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines did not carry forward its earlier recommendations on osmotherapy in
severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) because of insuffi cient high quality evidence from comparative studies. HTS is no more
advantageous than mannitol in maintaining hyperosmolar state and controlling ICP, which might be due to urinary sodium
loss, which curtails its superior osmolar eff ect. We did a study to explore the impact of tolvaptan when added to HTS on
osmolar effi cacy in such patients. A single-centric, prospective, double-blind, investigator-initiated clinical comparative trial
was conducted in between June 2017-June 2018 at Trauma ICU,IMS-BHU,Varanasi, in which 76 adult patients with severeTBI
belonging to age group 15-70 years, receiving aliquots of 2.5ml/kg of 3%HTS for refractory-ICH, were randomised to receive
tolvaptan (Group A) or placebo(Group B) to achieve target ICP <22 mmHg and CPP >60mmHg. Addition of tolvaptan
increased serum sodium and osmolality signifi cantly in a sustained manner throughout the study period(p=0.03 and 0.02,
respectively), which translated into better ICP control with lesser boluses of HTS(p=0.01). Th e outcome parameters (duration
of hospital stay 22 ± 10 vs 42 ± 11 days;p=0.04) and unfavorable GOS (GOS=1 to 3) at 6 months (10/40 vs 18/36;p=0.02) and
mortality at 6 months (8/40 vs 14/36;p=0.03) were better with tolvaptan use. Here we describe how we manage severe TBI
patients in our high-volume trauma centre, with use of tolvaptan which not only curtails the eff ect of urinary sodium loss,
thereby increasing osmolar effi cacy of HTS but also leads to better ICP control in severe TBI, translating into better GOS with
mortality benefi t.

Break: Lunch Break 13:30-14:30 @ Restaurant
Conference Series Anesthesia Care 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Helen Gharaei photo

Helen Gharaei (Date of Birth: March 21, 1967) has completed her MD at the age of 25 years from Mashhad University of medical science and postdoctoral studies
in anesthesiology from the Urmia university school of medicine. She has got her pain fellow degree from Tehran University of medical science and her FIPP degree
(Fellowship of Interventional Pain Practice) from Texas Tech University in USA. She is consultant pain specialist at Milad hospital and consultant interventional pain
specialist in educational committee of fellowship training in the spine and spinal cord injury medicine of Iran .She is well known for her publications on ultrasound-guided
spine and nerve blocks. She is a frequent speaker at international meetings and taught many hands-on workshop. She has published books and many
papers in reputed journals and has been serving as editor in Medicine journal and many others.


New advances in ultrasound create this technology accessible to health care suppliers in daycare clinic. Ultrasound aids pain
interventionist with real-time scanning and identifi cation of the spine. Th ere’s presently mounting proof that ultrasound
improves patient safety enhances health care quality and reduces tending price. Th e evolving aff ordability of ultrasound has
created this technology widely accessible. Ultrasound permits satisfactory scanning of the posterior elements of the spine and
paraspinal soft tissues. Studies illustrated practicability and validity of ultrasound in spinal injections. Despite the introduction
of newer and less consuming time’s methods with the possibility of intravascular injection, there is still insuffi cient clinical
evidence to prove the safety of the ultrasound as a sole image guide intervention, especially for transforaminal injection. Th e
most important injection warnings are damage to the spinal cord and nerve roots, intravascular injection and vascular damage,
loss of consciousness, paraplegia and incontinence. Th e object of study is to discuss the untoward dangerous complication
which can happen aft er ultrasound-guided spine injections and explain how to diagnosis and manage them to supply the
best and safest methodology of ultrasound-guided spine injections. According to the limitations and recommendations for
injection safety, ultrasound training is essential, given its axial ability to spinal anesthesia.

Conference Series Anesthesia Care 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Nagi Amer photo

Nagi Amer is a consultant anesthesist and icu haad license d3953 and has additional specialization in interventional pain ultrasound guided treatment. He worked
as an HOD of anesthesia, icu and pain in medeor h in ad and al raha h in ad. He has international publications in the related fi eld.


The target of the present study is dual. First, to test the hypothesis of combined nerve block addressing different sites of
nerve course can result in more successful distribution and prolongation of block whenever lower concentration local
an anesthetic mixture is used. Secondly to compare combined Adductor Canal and i-PAK Blocks versus Combined Adductor
Canal and Periarticular Injection Blocks For ACL Reconstruction Surgery
Material and methods: The study is a Prospective, randomized cohort study: After IRB (Institutional Review Board) and
committee approval was obtained, Patients aged 18-75 years undergoing ACL Reconstruction Surgery over the period of
one year and included 246 patients which were randomly allocated to either Combined Adductor Canal and i-PAK Blocks Is
(group A), or Combined Adductor Canal and Periarticular Injection Blocks (group B) groups, each had 123 patients at the end
of the study. Informed consent for this study was taken from the patient. This is a scientific abstract with no patient protected
health information. A standard local anesthetic mixture was used throughout the study. The mixture of Ropivacaine 3.75%
with 4 mg of dexamethasone in a total volume of 42 ml of mixture. There are no off -label indications included. No promotional
the content of a commercial entity is included (brand/trade/product names, photos, logos, company names, etc.).
Results: This is a study of the U/S guided comparison of combined Adductor Canal and i-PAK Blocks versus Combined Adductor
Canal and Periarticular Injection Blocks For ACL Reconstruction Surgery demonstrates that of combined Adductor Canal and
i-PAK Blocks results in prolongation of the time before the request for first analgesia rescue (h) (statistically significant) indicated
by higher readings in group A compared to group B. Highly significant difference was also observed comparing the two groups
concerning the total pethidine consumption (mg) in the first 48 postoperative hours with much reduction of the total dose in
group A together compared to group B. Postoperative VAPS at rest and on walking were reduced after of combined Adductor
Canal and i-PAK Blocks at all-time points assessed compared to group B.
Discussion: The combination of distal blocks is having the advantage of being safer approach away from critical structures
and allow preservation of proximal muscle function. The inability to move due to the motor block of proximal and distal
musculature has been shown to decrease patient satisfaction. Distal peripheral nerve blocks are superior at preserving the motor
function of the operative limb. A recent randomized controlled trial addressing this subject in the upper extremity (comparing
ultrasound guided supraclavicular plexus block with distal peripheral nerve blocks for outpatient hand surgery) Showed
better strength preservation and greater patient satisfaction with distal blocks. Using multiple points of blocking the nerves
to reach the sensory terminals supplying the knee region with motor sparing effect can be achieved using lower anesthetic
concentrations. Moreover, combined nerve block addressing different sites of nerve course targeting those which are mainly
sensory can result in more successful analgesia and sparing of motor branches of mixed nerves. The validation of the present
study results essentially requires further large RCT of adequate sample size. The best approach should be tailored to suit specific
surgery whenever possible. This study reiterates the importance of tackling multimodal approach in regional techniques which
probably will have a place in tailoring patient and surgical pain relief needs. Combined Adductor Canal and i-PAK Blocks is
better than Combined Adductor Canal and Periarticular Injection Blocks for For ACL Reconstruction Surgery concerning
postoperative pain.

Break: Networking and Refreshments Break 15:50-16:10 @ Foyer
Conference Series Anesthesia Care 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Utsav Acharya photo


Background And Objectives: Postoperative pain is a major cause of perioperative morbidity and functional impairment.
Preemptive analgesia is an analgesia regimen instituted before the surgery, with an aim to desensitize the pain pathways and
thus, reduce postoperative pain. Pregabalin and gabapentin have been claimed to be effective in reducing the magnitude of
postoperative pain, without significant alterations in hemodynamics. Th is study was conducted to compare the eff ectiveness
of Pregabalin and gabapentin in reducing postoperative pain, total opioid consumption, postoperative nausea and vomiting
(PONV) and sedation in patients undergoing lower limb orthopedic surgeries under spinal anesthesia.
Methods: Eighty patients undergoing lower limb orthopedic surgeries under spinal anesthesia were randomly divided into two
equal groups. Group A received 300mg gabapentin and Group B received 150mg Pregabalin, approximately one hour before
surgery. The patients were evaluated at 1, 2, 6, 12 and 24 h postoperatively and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score for pain,
PONV and sedation score was monitored. Tramadol 50 mg IV was used as rescue analgesic and total consumption over 24
hours was recorded.
Results: The mean duration of postoperative analgesia was significantly higher in Group B (282±106 mins versus 234 ±
97mins, p=0.009). The sedation score was significantly higher in Group B in the first hour after surgery (p=0.001). The total
consumption of tramadol over 24 hours was higher in Group A; however, it was statistically insignificant. The occurrence of
PONV was comparable between the groups. None of the groups were associated with significant hemodynamic alterations.
Minor adverse effects such as dizziness, sedation, and headache were observed in both groups.
Conclusion: Pregabalin 150 mg orally significantly increases the duration of postoperative analgesia than gabapentin 300mg
following lower limb orthopedic surgeries under spinal anesthesia. Although sedation is frequently observed, it doesn’t alter
the hemodynamics and thus, may be used safely.

Keynote Forum

Iram Mir

Rashid Hospital and Trauma Center, UAE

Keynote: Acute kidney injury; A review of the current classifi cation, diagnosis, diagnostic workup and management

Time : 16:30-16:50

Conference Series Anesthesia Care 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Iram Mir photo

Iram Mir is a Postgraduate in Anesthesia and Critical Care from the University of Kashmir in 2005. Worked in Kuwait from 2008- 2014, Specialist in Intensive Care
Rashid hospital and Trauma hospital Dubai since November 2015.


Acute Kidney Injury is estimated to occur in about 20-200 per million populations in the community, 7-18% of patients
in the hospital and approximately 50% of patients admitted to the ICU. AKI is associated with short and long-term
the complication, with the development of CKD and ESRD and increase mortality and morbidity leading to high financial health
care costs and burden. Estimated 2 million people die of AKI each year. In this review, we focus on classification, diagnostic
methods and clinical management that is available for patients with AKI, with a focus on the definition of AKI according to KDIGO
Guidelines, staging criteria for AKD, strategies for early diagnosis and management and preventing further damage. Focus
on the role of Novel Biomarkers as set up by the consensus groups, such as ADQI, AKI Network, and the American Society
of Nephrology as a priority for early detection of AKI for timely Renal Salvage therapies and improved patient outcome. The
review summaries the existing and future tools to guide, investigate and treat AKI in critically ill patients with the objective to
improve patient care.

  • Anesthesia | Trauma and Critical Care | Pain Medicine Anesthesia | Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine | Emergency Medicine and Critical Care | Anesthetic Implications and Management | Pain Management | Anesthesia Issues in Central Nervous System Disorders | Anesthetic Implications and Management |
Location: Souq


Jihad Mallat

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi



Badri Prasad Das

Banaras Hindu University


Husham Al-Shather is a consultant in pain medicine and anaesthesia. He specialises in the management of chronic pain conditions. He provides a variety of
interventional and non-interventional treatments for this specific patient population. Husham is a Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of
Anaesthetists and a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. Since he joined The Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust as a consultant in Pain Management
and Anaesthetics in 2016, he has developed a very good reputation in providing patients with optimal clinical care and scored highly for rating of clinical effectiveness
and patient satisfaction. This has been gained by working in a robust multidisciplinary team which emphasises the use of proven and evidence based medicine.


Background: Intravenous Lidociane Infusion Protocol (ILIP) for Chronic Pain Conditions in Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation
Trust was introduced in 2008. This protocol was set to provide a safe environment as well as ensuring that patients always
receive best possible care at the right time.
Objectives: In this audit, we aimed to measure the compliance with the ILIP and to determine the clinical outcome of ILIP in
Chronic Pain Conditions that are not responding to conventional treatments.
Methods: After departmental and Hospital approval, we undertook a retrospective analysis of 100 patients who underwent
two or more intravenous Lidociane infusion between March and November 2017. We looked at the patients’ demographics,
indication of Lidociane infusion, dose of Lidociane, duration of procedure, possible side effects and complications after
intravenous Lidociane. Post-procedure outcomes including patients’ experience and overall value of care were also collected.
Results: The average patient age was 48 years. 87% of patients were females and 13% were males. Non-invasive monitoring
(ECG, BP, SPO2 and Temperature) was performed in 100% of cases. Lidociane (2%) was used in all patients, with an average
dose of 4.8 mg/kg. The average length of procedure was 68.5 minutes. During the procedure, intravenous Plasma-Lyte 148 (pH
7.4) solution was used in all cases. The majority of patients had Fibromyalgia or Widespread Pain (81/100). 100% of infusions
were performed by Consultant Pain Specialist and fully trained Specialist Nurses supervised all procedures. 82% of patients
had no complication or side effect. The most common side effects were generalised numbness and tingling sensation (12%).
There was no significant side effect or complication documented during or after the infusion.
Conclusions: Most of intravenous Lidocaine infusion protocol elements for chronic pain conditions were being followed
appropriately. Our audit demonstrated that adherence to ILIP for a chronic pain condition was associated with significant
satisfaction among patients and staff with minimal side effects.

Veena Asthana

Swami Rama Himalayan University, India

Title: Premedication in Pediatric patients: How far have we reached?

Time : 12:30-13:00



Anxieties, fear of unknown and new environment are significant determinants of pre-operative agitation in children undergoing surgery and manifesting as tearfulness, screaming, clinging to parents, apathy, and withdrawal. If not properly handled, its presence is associated with future maladaptive behaviour. The incidence of preoperative distress maybe as high as
60% leading to resisting the anesthesiologist at induction or violent behaviour at the time of shifting and induction of anesthesia. 60% of children who underwent anesthesia manifest negative behavioural changes up-to two weeks postoperatively while min 20% of cases these may continue for six months. Apart from undesirable effects of sympathetic tone and increased level of catecholamine secondary to stress response, immunological, metabolic and hormonal changes also occur. Studies have demonstrated the relationship between preoperative anxiety and emergence delirium, increased analgesic requirements, negative behavioural changes, sleep disturbances and separation anxiety in the post-operative period.

Uses of pharmacological or non-pharmacological modalities are commonly utilized to decrease preoperative anxiety. Nonpharmacological therapies though effective, have variable results. Sedative premedicants are the mainstay of pharmacological therapy though different agents and routes of administration have been tried. Nonparental routes like oral/trans mucosal are preferred in children to alleviate the needle fear and pain. Midazolam has attained a widespread acceptance as preoperative sedative and anxiolytic. Use of drugs with pharmacological effects other than benzodiazepines have been tried and found to Have favourable kinetics. Use of α 2 agonist clonidine and Dexmedetomidine have been tried and found to have comparable results. Melatonin a natural hormone produced in the brain has the properties of producing natural sleep and has been used as sedatives in elderly and children Newer sedative premedicants like melatonin, clonidine, and Dexmedetomidine are efficacious in producing preoperative sedation, reducing preoperative distressing anxiety, relieving postoperative pain and decreasing the occurrence of emergence delirium in pediatric patients undergoing surgery. These agents can be used safely as an alternative to midazolam for premedication in children.



Badri Prasad Das has completed MD in Anesthesia and critical care in 2015 from IMS, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi; has pursued postgraduate fellowship
in Critical Care medicine from Trauma Centre, BHU(Varanasi), Neuro Critical Care from NIMHANS(Bengaluru) and CCM from JIPMER(Puducherry).
At present, he is working as Assistant Professor in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, IMS-BHU, Varanasi. He is an instructor for AHA (BLS/ACLS/PALS), FCCS;
programme coordinator for Comprehensive Emergency Life Support (CELS) course; and an invited faculty in various regional/national workshops & conferences.
He has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals, been serving as a reviewer for various International journals (HPMIJ-Medcrave), has many national/
international awards including education-grant awards from ANZICS.


The recent Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines did not carry forward its earlier recommendations on osmotherapy in severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) because of insufficient high-quality evidence from comparative studies. HTS is no more advantageous than mannitol in maintaining hyperosmolar state and controlling ICP, which might be due to urinary sodium loss, which curtails its superior osmolar effect. We did a study to explore the impact of tolvaptan when added to HTS on osmolar efficacy in such patients. A single-centric, prospective, double-blind, investigator-initiated clinical comparative trial was conducted between June 2017-June 2018 at Trauma ICU,IMS-BHU,Varanasi, in which 76 adult patients with severe TBI belonging to age group 15-70 years, receiving aliquots of 2.5ml/kg of 3%HTS for refractory-ICH, were randomized to receive tolvaptan (Group A) or placebo(Group B) to achieve target ICP <22 mmHg and CPP >60mmHg. Addition of tolvaptan increased serum sodium and osmolality significantly in a sustained manner throughout the study period(p=0.03 and 0.02, respectively), which translated into better ICP control with lesser boluses of HTS(p=0.01). The outcome parameters (duration of hospital stay 22 ± 10 vs 42 ± 11 days; p=0.04) and unfavourable GOS (GOS=1 to 3) at 6 months (10/40 vs 18/36;p=0.02) and mortality at 6 months (8/40 vs 14/36;p=0.03) were better with tolvaptan use. Here we describe how we manage severe TBI patients in our high-volume trauma center, with use of tolvaptan which not only curtails the effect of urinary sodium loss, thereby increasing the osmolar efficacy of HTS but also leads to better ICP control in severe TBI, translating into better GOS with a mortality benefit.

Break: Lunch Break 13:30-14:30 @ Restaurant

Helen Gharaei

Azargan Clinic, Iran

Title: Clinical warning study of ultrasound guided spine injection

Time : 14:30-15:30



This workshop provides formal didactics, hands-on training and discussions to provide a full understanding of the role
of spine injection techniques. Upon completion of the workshop, participants will learn strategies to Explain the role of
advanced pain procedures in the evaluation and treatment of spine pain. Be familiar with how ultrasound guidance may be used
in performing spinal injections and its limitations. Summarize the role of each injection in the overall care and rehabilitation of
the spine patient. Describe contraindications to the performance of the procedure. Recognize the potential complications associated
with each procedure. Demonstrate anatomy, sonoanatomy and safe radiological principles involved in each injection. Illustrate
the safe and easy technique of spine injection. Demonstrate technical parameters in the performance of each procedure. Learn
injection techniques in epidural space (caudal, lumbar, thoracic, cervical), medial branch block (lumbar, thoracic, cervical) and
peri-radicular block (lumbar, thoracic, cervical)


Nagi Amer is a consultant anesthetist and ICU haad license d3953 and has additional specialization in interventional pain ultrasound-guided treatment. He worked as a HOD of anesthesia, ICU and pain in medeor h in an ad and al Raha h in the ad. He has international publications in the related field.


The target of the present study is dual. First, to test the hypothesis of combined nerve block addressing different sites of
nerve course can result in more successful distribution and prolongation of block whenever lower concentration local
an anesthetic mixture is used. Secondly to compare combined Adductor Canal and i-PAK Blocks versus Combined Adductor
Canal and Periarticular Injection Blocks For ACL Reconstruction Surgery
Material and methods: The study is a Prospective, randomized cohort study: After IRB (Institutional Review Board) and
committee approval was obtained, Patients aged 18-75 years undergoing ACL Reconstruction Surgery over the period of
one year and included 246 patients which were randomly allocated to either Combined Adductor Canal and i-PAK Blocks Is
(group A), or Combined Adductor Canal and Periarticular Injection Blocks (group B) groups, each had 123 patients at the end
of the study. Informed consent for this study was taken from the patient. This is a scientific abstract with no patient protected
health information. A standard local anesthetic mixture was used throughout the study. The mixture of Ropivacaine 3.75%
with 4 mg of dexamethasone in a total volume of 42 ml of mixture. There are no off-label indications included. No promotional
the content of a commercial entity is included (brand/trade/product names, photos, logos, company names, etc.).
Results: This the study of the U/S guided comparison of combined Adductor Canal and i-PAK Blocks versus Combined Adductor
Canal and Periarticular Injection Blocks For ACL Reconstruction Surgery demonstrates that of combined Adductor Canal and
i-PAK Blocks results in prolongation of the time before the request for first analgesia rescue (h) (statistically significant) indicated
by higher readings in group A compared to group B. Highly signifi cant diff erence was also observed comparing the two groups
concerning the total pethidine consumption (mg) in the first 48 postoperative hours with much reduction of the total dose in
group A together compared to group B. Postoperative VAPS at rest and on walking were reduced after of combined Adductor
Canal and i-PAK Blocks at all-time points assessed compared to group B.
Discussion: The combination of distal blocks is having the advantage of being safer approach away from critical structures
and allow preservation of proximal muscle function. The inability to move due to the motor block of proximal and distal
musculature has been shown to decrease patient satisfaction. Distal peripheral nerve blocks are superior at preserving the motor
function of the operative limb. A recent randomized controlled trial addressing this subject in the upper extremity (comparing
ultrasound-guided supraclavicular plexus block with distal peripheral nerve blocks for outpatient hand surgery) Showed
better strength preservation and greater patient satisfaction with distal blocks. Using multiple points of blocking the nerves
to reach the sensory terminals supplying the knee region with motor sparing effect can be achieved using lower anesthetic
concentrations. Moreover, combined nerve block addressing different sites of nerve course targeting those which are mainly
sensory can result in more successful analgesia and sparing of motor branches of mixed nerves. The validation of the present
study results essentially requires further large RCT of adequate sample size. The best approach should be tailored to suit specific
surgery whenever possible. This study reiterates the importance of tackling multimodal approach in regional techniques which
probably will have a place in tailoring patient and surgical pain relief needs. Combined Adductor Canal and i-PAK Blocks is
better than Combined Adductor Canal and Periarticular Injection Blocks for For ACL Reconstruction Surgery concerning
postoperative pain.

Break: Networking and Refreshments Break 15:50-16:10 @ Foyer


Background And Objectives: Postoperative pain is a major cause of perioperative morbidity and functional impairment.
Preemptive analgesia is an analgesia regimen instituted before the surgery, with an aim to desensitize the pain pathways and
thus, reduce postoperative pain. Pregabalin and gabapentin have been claimed to be effective in reducing the magnitude of
postoperative pain, without significant alterations in hemodynamics. This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness
of Pregabalin and gabapentin in reducing postoperative pain, total opioid consumption, postoperative nausea and vomiting
(PONV) and sedation in patients undergoing lower limb orthopedic surgeries under spinal anesthesia.
Methods: Eighty patients undergoing lower limb orthopedic surgeries under spinal anesthesia were randomly divided into two
equal groups. Group A received 300mg gabapentin and Group B received 150mg Pregabalin, approximately one hour before
surgery. The patients were evaluated at 1, 2, 6, 12 and 24 h postoperatively and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) score for pain,
PONV and sedation score was monitored. Tramadol 50 mg IV was used as the rescue analgesic and total consumption over 24
hours was recorded.
Results: The mean duration of postoperative analgesia was significantly higher in Group B (282±106 mins versus 234 ±
97mins, p=0.009). The sedation score was significantly higher in Group B in the first hour after surgery (p=0.001). The total
consumption of tramadol over 24 hours was higher in Group A; however, it was statistically insignificant. The occurrence of
PONV was comparable between the groups. None of the groups were associated with significant hemodynamic alterations.
Minor adverse effects such as dizziness, sedation, and headache were observed in both groups.
Conclusion: Pregabalin 150 mg orally significantly increases the duration of postoperative analgesia than gabapentin 300mg
following lower limb orthopedic surgeries under spinal anesthesia. Although sedation is frequently observed, it doesn’t alter
the hemodynamics and thus, may be used safely.


Iram Mir is a Postgraduate in Anesthesia and Critical Care from the University of Kashmir in 2005. Worked in Kuwait from 2008- 2014, Specialist in Intensive Care Rashid hospital and Trauma hospital Dubai since November 2015.


Acute Kidney Injury is estimated to occur in about 20-200 per million populations in the community, 7-18% of patients
in the hospital and approximately 50% of patients admitted to the ICU. AKI is associated with short and long-term
complication, with development of CKD and ESRD and increase mortality and morbidity leading to high fi nancial health
care costs and burden. Estimated 2 million people die of AKI each year. In this review we focus on classifi cation, diagnostic
methods and clinical management that is available for patients with AKI, with focus on defi nition of AKI according to KDIGO
Guidelines, staging criteria for AKD, strategies for early diagnosis and management and preventing further damage. Focus
on the role of Novel Biomarkers as set up by the consensus groups, such as ADQI, AKI Network, and the American Society
of Nephrology as a priority for early detection of AKI for timely Renal Salvage therapies and improved patient outcome. Th e
review summaries the existing and future tools to guide, investigate and treat AKI in critically ill patients with the objective to
improve patient care