Sourabh Jain
AIIMS, India
Sourabh Jain is a Senior Resident in Department of Anesthesiology, Critical care and Pain Management at A.I.I.M.S., Bhopal, India. He majored his Graduation
degree from D.A.V.V. university, Indore and M.D. Anesthesia from Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur, India. He is a young researcher and
his interests include Pain Management, Anesthesia for Morbidly Obese and Diffi cult Airway Management. He is actively involved in experimental research in the
above-mentioned areas. It is his passion to be involved in various Social and Humanitarian activities which includes helping the underprivileged children and also
organizes health camps in collaboration with friends from various fi elds in local area. His leadership skills have also been time tested since school days where he
held various posts successfully. One of the Music and Travel Freak and loves going out on adventures, trekking and photography.